
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Something different...

No stamping or cards today! I thought I'd post something else crafty I made! It is a homemade fruit bouquet. They are simpler then you would think...

I made this bouquet in honor of Jess for her wedding shower a couple of weekends ago. I used fresh strawberries, pineapple, cantelope, honeydew, and red grapes. I even dipped some of the fruit in chocolate! A head of lettuce is hiding in the pitcher as an edibile 'frog'. I was suprised that it didn't take that much time to do. I thought it turned out pretty cute!

We've been busy celebrating the girls' birthdays this week! Zoey turned 3 on April 24th, and Natalie turns 1 on the 29th! Here are some pictures from thier birthday party we held on Sunday:

Can you tell it was a luau theme? We tried to hold it outside but the rain wouldn't let us... We had lots of fun though and Grandma Becky and Grandpa Bill were there with us so that made it even better!!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT wedding gift for someone! VERY creative!
