
Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello Again!

It has been along time since I've last posted! We finally moved into our new house and it took nearly a month to get our internet hooked up here... We also have been playing tourist here in our area! We had family in town and took the time to do some really fun stuff! We hit the beach, went to Busch Gardens amusement park, hit a local waterpark, toured the National Museum of Natural History, looked at all the great DC monuments, went to the zoo, shopped a lot and even went to the movies! Needless to say, we've been busy! Hee! We've had a lot of fun, too!

Here are some of my favorite pictures over the month...

Nat at Rohobeth Beach

Zoey on the Metro heading to the museums

The fam...

A great coaster at Busch Gardens

I'll post soon about some projects I've been working on! It seems like I've got a lot of things planned for the coming months... The blog should be hopping with some fun ideas!

Thanks for peeking today!



  1. So glad your back! been missing your inspiration!

  2. So glad to see you are back. I'm sure you had a wonderful time with your family. Looking forward to see what you have to share.
