
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Goodies...

I spent a lot of time down at my local scrapbook store this past weekend! While I was there I was able to pick out some fun, new papers that I've been eying online. Here is a card I made with some new American Crafts goodies:

I have to tell you I LOVE to shop for scrapbook goodies! It is so hard to tell myself no when there are sooo many companies out there that I adore! And, they are always coming out with new, even cuter lines that I just can't live without! Hee! I've been very good this past year, only buying when I have a plan in mind and will be using the product within the week. I've also been using up my stash of goodies and my scraps! So, for me, a little shopping time is very fun!

I have a lot of cards made but haven't felt like posting lately... My oldest daughter Zoey who is four discovered the internet and all the fun for kids on it... she is constantly asking for her turn at the computer when ever I sit down at it! Then she makes me a deal... she will use the computer and I can go downstairs and make cards! I guess she knows my weekness is quiet time making cards! Hee! Hopefully I can squeak in a few more posts this week!

Have a great day!



  1. You tell yourself No? Are you ca-razy??!! hehe. Gorgeous little card. Love the birds on top of the U.

  2. I just wanted to say that I also have a four year old daughter who loves to play on the computer as well. I will have to "make a deal" with her next time to see if I can go make cards too:) They are so cute, though, aren't they? I also wanted to say (while I am here:) that I LOVE your blog and your style. Your posts are inspiring and you do great work. Thanks for all the work you put in!
