
Friday, June 18, 2010

Something Different...

Well, I'm heading out to a going away party for one of my favorite people, Andrea, who is moving to L.A. in a few weeks... I will miss you! She is a crafty girl, too and blogs about what she makes. I think that will make me feel a little more connected, even if she is all the way across the country! And, we are facebook friends so that helps, too.

Anyways, I thought I'd share what I made for her- it's a little different from the normal things I make. Andrea and I always joke about cards and scrapbook pages that are intentionally empty and artsy- sometimes we get what that style is about and other times we don't! I made her this intentionally and I'm sure she'll get it! Hee!


Paper: Confetti White cardstock by SU!
Ink: Electric Blue Glimmer Mist
Accessories: Retro Diamonds embossing folder by Quickutz

I also tried my hand at making a necklace out of Sticky Back Canvas. I recently took a class from Claudine Hellmuth and it was so much fun! I was really inspired by her and her products. I got this idea straight from her- a video about how she made her own can be found here.

Here is my necklace:

I know, a little different from my normal but I had so much fun making these for Andrea! I hope she likes them!

OK! Off to say good bye and work on my Convention swaps some more!


1 comment:

  1. I actually LOVE your card. And I see it with a "Hallmark" logo on the back of it. :D
    Sometimes "simple" says it best!
