
Monday, December 26, 2011


Just playing around on my new laptop! I am so excited to be blogging from my comfy couch! Hee! We had a great Christmas at our house- a low key one with nothing planned except for meals, games, and visiting some friends. It was perfect! Santa brought just what we all asked for- new bikes for the girls and laptops for me and my hubby! Just in time, too- I think our old desktop has had just enough of our trying to push it to do things!

Now that most of my gifts have been given, I can share some more of the homemade items I made. One, that was a big hit, was this great sugar scrub that I made:

I found the idea on Pinterest- which linked me to this recipe. There are only two ingrediants in this recipe and they were easy for me to find at Wegmans where I do my grocery shopping. I found the unrefined coconut oil in the beauty area in the natural/organic section of the grocery store. Later, I also found it in the baking area but it was almost double the price. I think I paid around $8.00 for my container.

I made myself a little pot as well and it's been great! It smells SO good- like an Almond Joy! And, I can already tell it's been helping with my dry hands and feet.

Anyways, just thought I'd pop on and blog cause I could! Hee! Hope you all had a great holiday! Thanks for stopping by today!


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