
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nana and Baby Natalie


Hope your week is going well! Mine is going by fast so far- I can't believe it's already Wednesday! Wednesday has turned in to my favorite day because I get a whole 3 hours all to myself. I know some of you other stay-at-home moms can relate! Hee! I love my time with my family but it's also nice to have a little break! :)

Anyways, I have a page to share today- I made it to showcase one of my favorite pictures of my mother-in-law with my sweet Natalie just after she was born:

I used the Vintage Vogue line from Pink Paislee for this page because it worked so well with the colors in the picture. I really love this line and also made a couple of cards with it. Hopefully I can share those this week, too.

Here is a closer look at the cluster details around the title:

Another little detail:

I had fun putting this page together. Thanks for stopping by to take a peek at it today!


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