
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Sister in Central Park- a Scrapbook page!


I've signed up for Kelly Purkey's Sketchbook class again so this week I am scrapbooking! I used Kelly's first sketch as inspiration for this page and I love how it turned out. It features one of my favorite pictures of one of my favorite people- my sister Trish:

one of the details:


Text patterned paper: Teresa Collins
Yellow polka-dotted paper, chevron paper, tiny letter stickers: Lily Bee Design
Gray fabric print: Pink Paislee
Journaling box, flowers, and faux tape stickers: Pebbles
Blue letter stickers: October Afternoon
Boxed gray and white letter stickers: Echo Park
Rhinestones, Signo Gel Pen, paper piercing kit: Stampin' Up!

Trish and I spent a day in New York last year for her birthday. We had lots of fun running around the city and were able to spend a little time at Central Park. These beautiful stones were so cool and I made Trish climb up on them to take her picture. I love that you can see the buildings behind her.

I didn't add too many elements to my page- just a few stickers and a journaling block. I stuck pretty close to the sketch, except that I turned it on it's side and only added one large picture instead of three small ones. I am loving Kelly's class so far- it is my second year taking it and her sketches are always so fun to work with. Dawn McVey is doing the card samples this year and her samples are making me want to make some cards, too! I think I'll try to squeak one out when the girls go to bed tonight...

Well, hope you are enjoying your week! Thanks for stopping by to take a peek at my page today!


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