
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Take a Chance Card

Hi there!

I wanted to say thank you to everyone for your kind words and comments over the last few days! It is very nice to hear and really does make my day when an email like that pops through!
Want to see the card that got me into the Paper Crafts Magazine Gallery Idol Contest in the first place? Here it is:


paper: Crumb Cake and Whisper White cardstock by Stampin' Up!
Washi Tape: Sea Foam Chevron by SEI

I created the mini poster in word and then printed and cut it out. I tore one of the chance strips off- someone wasn't afraid to take one! :) I added a little strip of Washi tape to finish it off- now it looks like it's hanging on a wall somewhere...

I saw some inspirational picture on Pinterest that had a poster similar to this and decided to make a card with that idea. I changed the words but the feeling still comes across the same way. It definitely encouraged me! I'm so glad I decided to enter it into the contest this year!

If you still haven't voted, please go check out all of the entries for the 2012 Paper Crafts Magazine Gallery Idol Contest! Voting is open until noon tomorrow. They will announce who goes through to the next round on Friday!

Thanks for stopping by today and don't forget to take a chance every now and then- you never know what might happen!


1 comment:

  1. I voted! You are so creative and I love your flair and style. Smiles, Elizabeth
