
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

An Overdue Birthday Card

Hi there!  Today is a beautiful day here in Northern Virginia!  The sun is shining and it has had a wonderful impact on my mood- I'm feeling so good today!  I am inspired, too so hopefully I can get some creative time in before the girls get home from school.

I am one of those people who is always late sending birthday cards out!  Today's card is proof of this- hee!  Here it is:

I've used the Dewey Decimal set from Lawn Fawn and paired it with the pretty papers from Pebbles Seen & Noted line.  This stamp set is so clever!  I have a lot of friends who love to read so I should get lots of use out of it.

Well, I'm going to keep this post short and get started on the rest of my day!  Hope you have a great one, too!
