
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fun in the Sun

Today is a snow day for us!  We only got an inch and a half of snow but it was enough to close the schools and let us play!  It has been so refreshing!  I love having my girls home with me! :)

I'm sharing a layout today!  And of course, since there is snow on the ground, I was thinking about summer! lol!  I scrapbooked some Instagrams from our 2012 summer vacation...

My nephew's spent part of the summer with us.  They were a little surprised by the heat here- they are from the Seattle area and summer isn't quite as hot there! :) We really did try nearly all the pools and waterparks in our area out while they were here!  It was so much fun!

During Summer CHA, I won these great stencil cards from Fancy Pants Designs.  I cut them into banner shapes, added some paint to the edges and patterned paper behind them.  They are lots of fun to use!  The patterned papers are all from the Everyday Eclectic line by Echo Park.  I gesso'd the hexagon print close to the pictures so the pictures would be what your eye went to first.  I really love how it turned out!

And, because I took a few pictures this morning, here are my girls and their little buddy Quincy ready to play in the snow!  They lasted about an hour before they got too cold and came in!  It's amazing to me what kind of magic a little bit of snow brings to children!

Well, I hope you are having a great day today!  Thanks for stopping by to see what I made!


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