
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Family Always Layout

It's been awhile since I've shared a scrapbook page- it's been awhile since I've scrapbooked at all really!  I have been in the mood lately and pulled out some of my extra Urban Market goodies from Teresa Collins Designs along with our 2013 family photo.  I like how it turned out:

The purples and blues in the photo went so well with the Urban Market collection.  I love it!  The sparkly patterned papers compliment it nicely, too.
The layout was inspired by one I saw on Laura Vegas' blog- I loved how the layers of paper weren't lined up perfectly- I had to try it!  Since I haven't scrapped in awhile, scraplifting totally helped- it's a little hard getting back in to it!  lol!

I tried not to over embellish, another thing that tricks me sometimes!  I just want to add everything lol!

I love card making but scrapbooking is so rewarding sometimes- my family loves to look at our books and remember the fun things we've done.  I am hoping to get a few more pages done now that I've found my groove again.  :)
Thanks for stopping by today!
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  1. Such a great layout! Loved it on IG too ;) The colors are great and match your photo perfectly!

    I've been bitten by the scrapbooking bug too!

  2. This is such a great photo of you guys! I love how those blues pop in the layout too!
