
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Sisters Layout

Can you believe it is already the last day of March?  With everything going on, this year has flown by so far!  I have been focusing on my schoolwork mainly but it is nice to switch gears and pull out my crafty stuff!  A few days ago, I was just in the mood to scrapbook!  I pulled out a cute photo of my girls and played around with the new Chunky Chevron Die by Waffle Flower Crafts:

The photo was from the 4th of July a couple of years ago so I went with mostly red, white, and blue for my colors.  I picked a pattern paper and a few stickers from Bella Blvd. to add as well!  I cut a bunch of chevrons out using the Chunky Chevron Die and layered them on white cardstock.  When you want a longer chevron piece, there is a tab that you can connect to make it all line up nicely!

I also added some stamping to the layout.  I wanted to add stars to look like splatter to the background so I used a light blue ink with the stars stamp from the Bowtiful Stamp Set.  The words are from the Bowtiful Additions Stamp Set.

Cuties!  I'm glad I got this photo added to my album!  You can also see the details in the chevrons in these closeups.

At the bottom, I added some more words- these ones are also from the Bowtiful and Bowtiful Additions Stamp Sets.

I hope the scrapbooking bug hits me again soon!  I love adding layouts to my album :)
Thank you for stopping by today!
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1 comment:

  1. I love those chevron dies, and that is such a great picture of the girls!
